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Using Door Drop Distribution to Keep Residents Informed During Consultations

a woman is talking and everyone around the table is listening

Whilst undertaking a public consultation or planning works and road closures, it is deemed by most a necessary requirement to inform those affected. Some projects will have statutory requirements to inform local residents, particularly those involving planning or redevelopments.

People like to be in the know and with regard to some highly sensitive material, rightly so. Reactions should be more favourable when people are forewarned of any changes in their area, or by things that could affect their lives. Negative impressions and complaints are likely should residents not receive prior warning of works and planning proposals. Community engagement events help keep residents involved in decisions and create a more positive experience, building trust with the wider organisation.

A letter addressed to the resident or occupier is often preferred by utilities and transport companies undertaking works in their area, whilst some councils and planning consultants prefer to send generic door drop distribution leaflets to inform residents of upcoming plans. For regular updates on lengthy development projects, a monthly or quarterly newsletter is a good way of keeping residents in the loop.
A resident survey is a good way to understand more about your residents’ needs and thoughts on a particular scheme. It allows those in control of the project the ability to factor in residents’ ideas before making key decisions.

After a year of lockdown, which has seen limits on gatherings and social events, many companies have adapted and now hold virtual consultations or encourage residents to give their views via a series of postal newsletters or surveys.

When providing information on sensitive topics, it is best to:

  • Be prepared, have to hand in lots of facts
  • Be clear and direct
  • Actively listen
  • Give them space to say how they feel

Refer to the local government association for more information on consulting residents here and contact us on 020 8440 000 for information on how to use leaflets or letters as part of your community engagement.